archivos de configuracion, scripts y assets customizados de greenlight, scalelite y bigbluebutton
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  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. now=$(date)
  3. echo "======================"
  4. echo "Current Date: $now"
  5. bbb-conf --clean
  6. echo "======================"
  7. MAXAGE=15
  8. LOGFILE=/var/log/bigbluebutton/bbb-recording-cleanup.log
  9. shopt -s nullglob
  10. NOW=$(date +%s)
  11. echo "$(date --rfc-3339=seconds) Deleting recordings older than ${MAXAGE} days" >>"${LOGFILE}"
  12. for donefile in /var/bigbluebutton/recording/status/published/*-presentation.don e ; do
  13. MTIME=$(stat -c %Y "${donefile}")
  14. # Check the age of the recording
  15. if [ $(( ( $NOW - $MTIME ) / 86400 )) -gt $MAXAGE ]; then
  16. MEETING_ID=$(basename "${donefile}")
  17. MEETING_ID=${MEETING_ID%-presentation.done}
  18. echo "${MEETING_ID}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
  19. bbb-record --delete "${MEETING_ID}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
  20. fi
  21. done
  22. for eventsfile in /var/bigbluebutton/recording/raw/*/events.xml ; do
  23. MTIME=$(stat -c %Y "${eventsfile}")
  24. # Check the age of the recording
  25. if [ $(( ( $NOW - $MTIME ) / 86400 )) -gt $MAXAGE ]; then
  26. MEETING_ID="${eventsfile%/events.xml}"
  27. MEETING_ID="${MEETING_ID##*/}"
  28. echo "${MEETING_ID}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
  29. bbb-record --delete "${MEETING_ID}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
  30. fi
  31. done